encodedName: Introduction HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/redes-de-control/saih/introduccion/index.html


The SAIH-Segura is the Automatic Hydrological Information System of the Segura Hydrographic Basin. It consists of a network of integrated, integrating and integrable technological infrastructures, for the purpose of receiving, transmitting, processing, distributing, filing and storing hydrologic, hydraulic and complementary data of the whole basin, at any time and in any circumstance, normal or adverse, even in real-time and with centralized control at the Reception and Management Centre.

It seeks to improve the knowledge of the behaviour of the hydrological cycle and the hydrometeorological phenomena occurring within the territorial environment of the hydrographic basin of the Segura river and the area of competence of the Confederación.

The SAIH-Segura system allows the Confederation, together with the existing human structure, to increase and improve support for taking decisions in ordinary situations of use of available resources and existing demands as well as in extraordinary situations of floods or droughts, in order to improve the ongoing and continuous optimization of the exploitation of infrastructures and resources and to minimize the catastrophic effects caused by floods and droughts; and, as a result, increase the efficiency of the global river basin management.

And all this, within a sustainable framework and in collusion with nature, the existing habitats and with the natural environment of its territorial competence.

Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001