encodedName: Presentation HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/restauracion-de-rios/federsegura/presentacion/index.html


Logo FEDERChsegura. Espacio de comunicación Logo FEDER-EUROPA. Una manera de hacer Europa

The ERDF Communication Space of the Segura River Hydrographic Confederation (CHSegura) gives access to information about use of community funds by this organisation as well as details of actions co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund since 2001; highlighting our own management experience and execution of European resources during the last 13 years.

Convinced of the need to highlight the important efforts made by the European Union, work is underway to stimulate policies designed to speed up convergence towards more sustainable growth, offering this communication tool to bring citizens closer to the reality of the Segura Basin Cohesion Policy.

Recreation Area Segura's birth

Strategic programming

In line with national and regional European strategic priorities, this basin organisation has allocated these financial resources to helping to strengthen the environmental potential of the regions included in the scope of intervention of the Segura Basin Cohesion Policy; thus making the area of intervention more attractive, improving our natural areas and the quality of life of their inhabitants.

The goal of the European Union's environmental policy is to conserve, protect and improve the environment for current and future generations and to foster the principles of sustainable development. Its priorities are to address climate change, protect biodiversity, reduce contamination and its effects on human health and encourage prudent, rational use of natural resources. It aims to rebalance the accelerated economic growth seen in the Spanish regions in recent decades, guiding it towards sustainable development, social wellbeing and quality of life through intelligent resource management that guarantees that not only are they conserved, but that the social, economic and territorial development conditions are used.

Oak in La Abejuela (Férez)

Environment, natural surroundings and water resources

The "ENVIRONMENT, NATURAL SURROUNDINGS AND WATER RESOURCES" priority is considered a basic pillar of the strategy to convert Spain into a more attractive place to invest and work.

This Area of intervention directly supports achievement of the objectives to protect, prevent and regenerate natural and rural areas and their sustainable use, of existing hydraulic infrastructures and improvement of integral waste management. The aim of this is to encourage sustainable development, social wellbeing and quality of life, through different actions.

Dykes in the riverbed of El Campillo

Multiannual financial framework 2000-2006 in the CHSegura

<p>With respect to the Financial Framework 2000-2006, most of the efforts focus on protecting and regenerating the natural environment (ERDF), having executed 50 works for a total of €49.18 million. A further €9.29 million have been spent on 12 projects and measures to improve the efficiency of existing infrastructures and use of water (achieve rational, sustainable use of water). Some of the main actions have involved recovery of natural areas in an urban environment. Significant interventions have also been carried out to recover water and address erosion, conserve landscape together with other actions taken to achieve rational use, save water and reduce water loss from channels and pipelines.</p>

In Riópar indicative Cartel

Intergovernmental cooperation framework (collaboration agreements)

It should be noted that the intergovernmental cooperative framework has encouraged the application of financial resources in recent years. Between 2003 and 2008, collaboration agreements were developed with the autonomous governments of the Region of Murcia and the Valencia Region to work towards joint execution of plans and programmes. In this respect, the following cooperation agreements are important:

  • Agreement with the Government of Valencia
  • Agreement with the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia

In Molinicos routing

The agreement entered into with the Government of Valencia Documento PDF (2.4 MB), through which the "Action Plan for the Establishment of a Green Corridor along the banks of the Segura river passing through the province of Alicante" was designed and executed. This comprised a set of 13 actions which have driven a reunion between the inhabitants of the Vega Baja of the River Segura and the world, allowing people to enjoy the scenery, historical and cultural heritage values and green systems that somehow maintain the traditional memory of the river, thereby enhancing the quality of life of citizens in the local area. Total public investment in the development of this extensive intervention project between 2002 and 2008 was €23.6 million. The Segura River Hydrographic Confederation contributed €16.8 M to the project (mostly ERDF Funds from the Operational Programme of the Valencia Region 2000-2006) and with €6.8 million from the Autonomous Government.

In La Contraparada gateway

Agreement with the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia Documento PDF (747 KB). Through which 27 actions were taken between 2003 and 2008. Public investment in these actions came to €16.3 million, €11.4 million of which was contributed by the Segura River Hydrographic Confederation (mostly ERDF Funds from the Operational Programme of the Murcia Region 2000-2006) and with €4.9 million from regional government. This made it possible to restore 233,000 hectares of degraded land and 1,438 m³ of hydrologic corrective works.

Visitor Center at La Contraparada

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