encodedName: Project-actions/tasks HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/restauracion-de-rios/segura-ripisilva/acciones-del-proyecto/index.html

The project

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Project tasks/actions

Preliminary actions

  • A1. Initial Evaluation, establishment of Reference Conditions and Ecological Monitoring indicators

    Assessing present condition of the project’s area and establishing the condition we wish to achieve through the development of the Project, in order to be able to assess the completion of the project’s goals. It includes:

    • A1.1 Initial gathering of information (Habitat and species distribution, existing cartography)
    • A1.2 Field trips to complete inventory gaps
    • A1.3 Definition of the monitoring programme (Stations, indicators and protocols)
    • A1.4 Field Works for the assessment of Initial Condition
  • A2. Comprehensive strategy for IAS management and control
    Drafting of a strategic document with the key lines of intervention by both public and private bodies, in order to achieve control of IAS.
  • A3. Administrative measures of implementation and projects drafts. Handbook of Ripisilva-friendly Good Agrarian Practices

    Preliminary tasks to prepare the implementation actions of the Project, including:

    • A3.1. Handbook of Ripisilva-friendly Good Agrarian Practices
    • A3.2. Protocols of Action to implement upon detection of IAS
    • A3.3. Management, organization and documentation of the RIPISILVA Project, including hiring procedures.
    • A3.4. Local Research on protection of riparian forest areas / Landmark trees Catalogue
    • A3.5. Managing Plan for urban trees and parks

Implementation actions

  • C1. Implementation of a Land Stewardship network for preserving Habitat 92A0 and 92D0 and associated biodiversity

    The signing of land stewardship agreements with all kinds of owners will be promoted. ANSE will sign land stewardship agreements with the rest of partners for those publicly owned lands within the project’s area.

  • C2. Delimitation of Public Domain Terrains in stretches defined in action A3

    Public Domain terrains will be delimitated in order to protect native riparian forest.

  • C3. Early Alert Network using ICTs, both for the presence of IAS and for wildfire detection

    A system will be created to allow both environmental protection professionals and the public general to report the presence of possible IAS or wildfires. In order to achieve this, the following will be carried out:

    • C3.1. Set up of a web server 2.0 RIPISILVANATURA
    • C3.2. Developing of a multi-platform mobile device app (RIPI_NATURA)
    • C3.3. Start-up and monitoring of the system. Enhancing
  • C4. Non-arboreal IAS control, by means of ecological engineering strategies

    Soft interventions to promote the recovery of native species of ripisilva, weakening the local populations of shrub or grass-like IAS

  • C5. Arboreal IAS control, by means of ecological engineering strategies

    Soft interventions to promote the recovery of native species of ripisilva, weakening the local populations of arboreal.

  • C6. Restoration of native ripisilva habitats through natural succession stages

    Reafforestation with native species.

  • C7. Supporting interventions for the restoration of habitats and associated fauna

    Different measures that, all together, intend to enhance the effectivity of direct actions on IAS. These include:

    • C7.1. Groyne elimination.
    • C7.2. Installation of beacons in power lines.
    • C7.3. Creation of leisure areas and camouflaged bird observatories.
    • C7.4. Integrated and ecological information panels.
  • C8. Riparian biodiversity protection activities and fauna IAS control

    Different activities aimed towards fauna IAS. It entails two sub-actions:

    • C8.1. Direct elimination of exotic fauna by environmental agents
    • C8.2. Elimination campaigns of birds and water turtles by experienced naturalists.
  • C9. Wildfire prevention actions

    Increased presence of environmental agents to perform prevention tasks, such as visits to riverside owners, authorized fires control, installation of information panels, etc.

Monitoring actions

Different actions aimed to control the correct execution of the Project and the effectiveness of developed actions for the fulfilling of set goals.

  • D1. Monitoring of native riparian habitats and its associated biodiversity at Ecological monitoring stations. Final Assessment.
  • D2. Monitoring and assessment of the IAS Control Programme and wildfire control programme.
  • D3. Assessment of the socio-economic impact and ecosystem services.

Monitoring regrowth of Giant Reed

Communication and dissemination actions

  • E1. Awareness raising and public dissemination of results

    Actions aimed to the raising of awareness among the public general about the importance of the preservation of native habitats and species, and the threat posed by IAS. The following actions will be performed:

    • E1.1. Awareness raising and dissemination Plan in school facilities in Cieza and Calasparra.
    • E1.2. International seminar on habitat 92A0.
    • E1.3. International seminar on riparian IAS.
    • E1.4. Awareness raising about the predicament of IAS.
  • E2. Design and production of dissemination materials

    Support to dissemination activities through the production of several dissemination materials:

    • E2.1. General Public Local Dissemination.
    • E2.2. Comprehensive strategy for IAS management and control.
    • E2.3. “Buy your pet responsibly” campaign.
  • E3 Layman report

    A report drafted for the public general, detailing the results of the Project.

    • E4. Design and installation of integrated information panels

      In order to deliver information to the users of riparian forest areas, and to achieve the visibility of the project.

    • E5 Volunteer work to support all stages of the Project

      To be conducted by ANSE, an association with years of expertise in volunteer works

Overall Project operation and monitoring of the Project progress

  • F1. Capacity building actions

    To provide the participants the means to cover any need for capacity building detected.

  • F2. After LIFE

    Monitoring and dissemination of the Project after its completion.

  • F3. Project management and technical control

    Administrative tasks for the project’s management.

  • F4. External audit

    Financial Audit.

  • F5. Networking with other projects.

    Promotion of ties and exchange of experiences and lessons learned with similar projects.

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Certificación ISO 27001