encodedName: Project-events HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/restauracion-de-rios/segura-ripisilva/jornadas-eei/index.html


Logo proyecto LIFE  Logo RED NATURA 2000.  Logo proyecto LIFE+ RIPISILVANATURA


The waters of River Segura and its riverbanks are a complex ecosystem where alien species have settled, and are in many cases a threat for native ones. How to fight this process is a challenge that was discussed by experts in this topic during past January (27th and 28th of January, 2015) at Murcia, in a series of Scientific Sessions on the subject. This activity falls within the LIFE+RIPISILVANATURA project, lead by ‘Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura’ (together with co-beneficiary partners, ANSE, University of Murcia, Autonomous Community of the Murcia Region and the City Halls of Calasparra and Cieza) and co-financed by the European Union, with the aim of recovering riparian forest and associated habitats in the Segura River Basin.

The gathering joined representatives from universities, River Basin management agencies, and research centers, who showed their expertise in fighting common reed, Arundo donax, the main enemy for riparian forest in the Segura River, as well as an obstacle for waterflow in the event of flash floods, among other problems caused by this plant. Nevertheless, the sessions also studied other alien invasive species such as the red palm weevil (Rynchophorus ferrugineus), the Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea), invasive reptiles and other threats for the native aquatic ecosystem.

Furthermore, the study of this problem was not limited to the species already present in the Segura River Basin, but also other that are just arriving nowadays or that may arrive in the near future.

In the following links, you can find the presentations offered by invited speakers as well as a document with the conclusions drawn from the event.

FIRST DAY (27 january)

SECOND DAY (28 january)

 Interview about the RIPISILVANATURA project made to Jaime Fraile in RNE by Jesús Cano on February 4 (2015) Documento MP3

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