encodedName: Expected-Results HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/restauracion-de-rios/segura-ripisilva/resultados-esperados/index.html

The project

Logo proyecto LIFE  Logo RED NATURA 2000.  Logo proyecto LIFE+ RIPISILVANATURA

Expected results

The main result expected is the recovery of the native riparian forest and control of IAS. As specific results we may name:

  • Consolidation of succession stages for the reafforestation of riparian forest.
  • Identification of the cost-benefit ratio for different control techniques and evaluation of its socio-economic and ecologic impact.
  • Control of both vegetal and animal IAS in the project’s area.
  • Reafforestation with Hygrophytes and Heliophytes.
  • Dissemination for critic stakeholders and the public general. Enhancement of general knowledge and awareness raising towards the IAS predicament.
  • Installation of Information panel son riparian habitat and fire prevention.
  • Installation of beacons in power lines.
  • Publishing of a comprehensive Regional Strategy for the management and control of IAS.
  • Setting up of an Early Alert Network for both IAS and wildfires, using ICTs.

River Segura at Cañaverosa

Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001