encodedName: Partners HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/restauracion-de-rios/segura-ripisilva/socios/index.html

The project

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The following organizations will participate in the Project as associated beneficiaries:

  • Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura.

    CHS (Segura River Basin Agency), as Project coordinator, will participate in different ways in practically all of the actions to be developed at every stage, taking exclusive responsibility for the delimitation of Public Domain terrains, elimination of groynes and general management of the project

  • Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia. General Directorate for the Environment

    The Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, through the General Directorate for the Environment, is the main responsible for the development of the Handbook of Ripisilva-Friendly Good Agrarian Practices, as well as for the Protocols of Action to implement upon detection of IAS, the Early Alert Network through ICT’s, and Land Stewardships Network. It will also take care of the Programme to control tree IAS through Ecological Engineering Strategies to promote natural competition with native species, fauna IAS control, Wildfire prevention, installation of beacons in power lines, Bird Observatories installation, recreational areas and Information panels.

  • Universidad de Murcia (Departamentos de Ecología e Hidrología, y de Zoología y Antropología Física, Facultad de Biología).

    The research groups at the ‘Ecology and Hydrology’ and ‘Basic zoology applied to management and conservation’ Departments in the University of Murcia are in charge of the Initial Assessment tasks, establishing of reference Condition and Monitoring Ecological Indicators. They coordinate the Regional Comprehensive Strategy for the control and management of IAS in the riparian areas of the Region of Murcia, and will assess the impact of IAS from a socio-economic and ecological perspective. Also, within the monitoring tasks, they are responsible for the monitoring of native riparian habitats and associated biodiversity in ecological monitoring stations, as well as for the final Assessment

  • Association of Naturalists in South-Eastern Spain, ANSE ANSE.

    The association of Naturalists in South-Eastern Spain, ANSE, is a key participant in communication and disseminations activities within the Project, specially in Volunteer work and education. In cooperation with Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, they will set up the Land Stewardship Network. They will also launch a campaign aimed at local veterinary clinics and pet stores to raise awareness of the impacts of voluntary releasing of IAS into the wild. Also, within the preliminary actions they participate in the inventory and initial assessment tasks, the establishing of Reference Conditions and the Ecological indicators for Monitoring the river and riparian forest

  • The City Hall of Calasparra.

    The City Hall of Calasparra will produce a Landmark Tree Catalogue and it will develop a Managing Plan for urban trees and parks. They will also host dissemination and awareness raising events, editing a number of materials and organizing a workshop on habitat 92A0

  • The City Hall of Cieza.

    The City Hall of Cieza will produce a research on the protection and monitoring of riparian forest; they will also coordinate dissemination and awareness raising activities and the will host and organize an international seminar on IAS. Same as the Calasparra City Hall, they will develop a Managing Plan for urban trees and parks.

Project's partners at Calasparra

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