encodedName: Expected-results HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/restauracion-de-rios/segurariverlink/el-proyecto/resultados-esperados/index.html

Expected results

Logo proyecto LIFE  Logo RED NATURA 2000.  Logo del proyecto Segura RiverLink
Última actualización: 09/08/2017

The main result should be the extrapolation of the techniques validated by the project to the rest of the basin through the Segura River Basin Hydrological Plan. This will help connect protected sites and keep the ecosystems in a good condition, thereby complying with the requirements established in the Water Framework Directive.

  • Creation of a SEGURA RIVERLINK Information and Communication Plan that identifies the target audience and acts as a starting point for all communication activities.
  • Creation of projects with technical solutions to be applied to the dams to make them passable (eight fish ladder projects and a demolition project for a disused dam), and environmental restoration work to be carried out for each action.
  • Demolition of a disused dam, creation of eight fish ladders and 54 km of the Segura River opened up for free movement.
  • Nine restoration projects implemented.
  • Eradication of the exotic invasive species Arundo donax and the restoration of the native river species in the nine areas covered by the project.
  • Initial inventory, assessment and diagnosis of the indicators selected for the monitoring and assessment of the biological communities in each project area (fish community, plant community, bird population, riparian fauna and the classification of the ecological status).
  • Publication of a ‘Manual for the eradication of exotic species’ and a ‘Forest restoration manual’.
  • Creation of the Segura River stewardship network and the publication of a good practice manual.
  • Reaching a good ecological status of the Segura and Benamor rivers, as well as meeting the requirements established in the Water Framework Directive.
  • Implementing the concept of a green infrastructure in the Segura basin, extrapolating the results obtained from the 325 km of the total length of the Segura River via the Basin Hydrological Plan.

Segura River in Moratalla. Author: Félix Carrillo

Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001