encodedName: Layman-report HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/restauracion-de-rios/segurariverlink/informe-layman/index.html

Layman report

Logo proyecto LIFE  Logo RED NATURA 2000.  Logo del proyecto Segura RiverLink

Última actualización: 09/08/2017

The project LIFE + SEGURA RIVERLINK is a project financed by the European Commission across the Program LIFE 2012 "Politics and Environmental Governance - Water". It has developed during the year 2013 to 2017 in Segura river  plaine , in a section of approximately 54 Km  and in the final section of the Moratalla river up to his confluence with the  Segura river(T.M. Archena, Abarán, Cieza, Calasparra and Moratalla).

The project SEGURA RiVERLINK has as the  principal objective promote and support the environmental recovery of the Segura river basin. Another objective is demonstrate and validate measures of management for the development of an approach of green infrastructure for the management of  river  basin.

More objectives are improve the connectivity between the natural ecosystems by means of a series of actions directed to re-naturalizing the river and recovering his function of green corridor. The obtained results will be transferred to the rest of the basin across the river Basin Management Plan  

Once ended the project in July, 2017 CHS has elaborated the report Layman that is an exigency of the European Commission. It has divulgative character and contains, of synthetic form, a general vision of the scope and principal results of the project in order his diffusion between not professional public.

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