encodedName: Glossary HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/restauracion-de-rios/segurariverlink/mediateca/glosario/index.html


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Last update: 10/05/2017


Word from the Arabic meaning "Barrier". These are hydraulic infrastructures transverse to the river bed of less than 15 m, which traditionally have served to raise the waters of a bed or river, in order to derive part of said flow for different uses.


River connectivity

Connectivity is an intrinsic property of all natural systems that refers to its capacity for the free circulation of the different elements that compose it (such as chemical substances, particles and living beings), between the various parts of the same system (headland-mouth transportation) or between neighboring systems (from the river with the adjacent systems through the riverside vegetation)

Ecological corridor

Territorial scope whose main function is to counteract the fragmentation of habitats and favor the connection or connectivity between natural spaces in order to conserve habitats, species and ecological processes, being key elements for the maintenance of biodiversity.

River custody

Set of strategies and instruments that aim to involve different actors in the management of river ecosystems. To this end, the establishment of voluntary agreements and collaboration channels between custody entities, public administrations competent in the management of water resources, private owners and users of the river (eg irrigators) is promoted, with the aim of preserving natural and cultural values. and landscaping of the territory and promoting the responsible use of its resources (Arquimbau, R., Pietx, J., Rafa, M. 2001).

Barrier effect

It is one of the most important ecological impacts associated with hydraulic infrastructures, since they restrict the free movement of species through different habitats, reaching in extreme cases causing total isolation between populations.


In biology, those taxa, both animal and plant, that have a distribution area limited to a given territory are called endemic.

Ecological status

Term coined by the Water Framework Directive (DMA), which refers to the quality in the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems associated with surface waters.

Green infrastructure

Green infrastructure, made up of natural and semi-natural areas and other environmental elements, is a tool that provides ecological, economic and social benefits through natural solutions, helping us to understand the benefits that nature provides to human society. Green infrastructure incorporates green spaces (or blue in the case of aquatic systems), and land spaces of rural and urban environments, helping to avoid dependence on infrastructures whose construction is costly when, often, nature can provide cheaper solutions and durable. ( Green infrastructure: improving Europe's natural capital)

River obstacle

any structure that hinders the natural dynamics of water, sediment and biota flows, as well as ecological relationships in rivers.


Each of the subdivisions of the biological classification, which designates a hierarchical level from the species, which is taken as a unit, to the edge or type of organization.

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