encodedName: Information-Security-Policy HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/seguridad-informacion/index.html

Information security policy

The objective of this document is the definition of the Information Security Policy (hereinafter, PSI) applicable in the Segura Hydrographic Confederation, O.A. (hereinafter, CHS) as established by Royal Decree 311/2022, of May 3, which regulates the National Security Scheme (hereinafter, ENS), thus formalizing the strategic recognition of information and systems that support it.

One of the fundamental objectives of this PSI is to establish general guidelines that guarantee the management of information security in a complete and coordinated manner with the objectives and strategic lines of the Agency, the applicable regulations and the internal security guidelines of CHS.

This PSI ensures the manifest commitment of CHS and its top managers to guarantee and supervise adequate compliance with the necessary guidelines that allow citizens to safely access CHS services, preserving their rights and minimizing the risks derived from existing threats in regarding the availability, integrity, confidentiality, traceability and authenticity of the information.

Protection against such threats, intentional or accidental, requires a strategy that allows acting both preventively and reactively, supervising and monitoring the entire life cycle of the systems in order to react effectively to incidents and provide CHS of the resources necessary for it.

This PSI is complemented by Standards, Procedures and Safety Guides that define the specific rules of action.

Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001