encodedName: Project-submitted-to-the-General-Directorate-of-Water HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/caracterizacion/sequias/plan-especial-de-sequia-2023/proyecto_remitido_a_DGA/index.html

Elevation of the Draft Review of the Special Drought Plan of the Segura Hydrographic Demarcation to the General Directorate of Water for processing

Within the framework of the process of preparing the revision of the Special Drought Plan, the documentation corresponding to the final draft of the Report and the Annexes of the Draft Review of the Special Drought Plan for the Segura River Basin and its Strategic Environmental Study is being sent to the General Directorate of Water, in order to continue its processing until its approval by the Ministry. The documentation sent, in digital format, can be consulted below.


The Reventón Rambla

Report of proposals, observations and suggestions received by the PES

Report of the River Basin Authority on the proposals, observations and suggestions submitted to the review of the PES in the public participation process

Report of the Water Council of the Demarcation

Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001