encodedName: Danger-and-risk-maps-(MPRI) HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/caracterizacion/zonas-inundables-y-gestion-del-riesgo/mapas-de-peligrosidad-y-riesgo-mpri/index.html


The danger maps and flood risk have been prepared pursuant to royal decree no. 903/2010. In particular its articles 8 and 9 establish the obligation to develop the danger maps and flood risk for each Área Significant potential risk identified in the Preliminary Assessment of flood Risk for the scenario of high, medium and low probability, corresponding to the avenues with periods of return of 10, 100 and 500 years.

The danger maps include the delimitation of the surface that would be overwhelmed by the waters to the occurrence of avenues with periods of return of 10, 100 and 500 years, values that have been agreed as a reference to the events of high, medium and low probability, respectively (in implementation of article 8.1 of the royal decree no. 903/2010).

This information, including the estimation of the variables that characterize the potential adverse effect of floodwaters, allows the degree of exposure to the phenomenon of different parts of the territory.

In addition, while crossing the above information to the vulnerability of the territory with regard to human health, environment and economic activity, it comes to determining the risk of flooding and mapping it associated with it.

The development of these maps is conducted through a desk review of inundabilidad, making them a restriction on the flood that would occur in a specific event and, although the techniques and current models are very precise real a flood of an event can vary significantly from what calculated. Firstly, it is not possible to take into account the effects of erosions, landslips, sedimentaciones transport cash, solid, trawls, etc. On the other hand, nor is it possible to consider the effects that certain elements may produce obstructions and referral by the flow, such as fallen trees, vehicles or sediment transported, or the breakdown of motes or other infrastructure that may be withheld water. Finally, in cases of flood areas of great extension, major urban settlements, the difficulties in adequately represent the hydraulic model in all artificial elements influencing the characteristics of the flow and computational limitations arising from a large number of processed data can also make the results of the flood differ from predictions. It should be highlighted that in the development of maps makes no provision for rain effect directly on an area already affected by a flood of waters from above.

Overall, despite these constraints, the maps of hazards and risk provide realism and a reasonably accurate picture of the problem, constitute an effective instrument for the management of flood risk, ensuring efficient use of economic resources available for the alleviation of the potential damage and bringing a more sustainable development needs of society with natural hazards landscape territory.

Flood de Santa María, 13/09/2019. (Los Alcázares. Murcia). Source: Civil Protection in the Region of Murcia


In accordance with article 21.2 of the Royal Decree 903/2010, the danger maps by floods and flood risk maps will be reviewed, and if necessary, will be updated by 22 december 2019 and then every six years. For this reason, and in accordance with article 10 of the royal decree the maps of hazards and risk is subject to public consultation for a period of three months, from 1 august 2019 (BOE no. 183 of 1 august 2019).

Over this period, should be informed by the committee of competent authorities of the demarcation of that, in his case be referred to the ministry subsequently the Ecological Transition for incorporation into the National System for mapping of flood areas.

During this period were able to make contributions and make few comments and suggestions are deemed appropriate.

Completed the public consultation and, once analysed the allegations, on 12 february 2020 the committee of competent authorities of the demarcation, regulated by Royal Decree 126/2007, of 2 february, reported welcome the revision and updating of maps of hazards and risk of flooding. Subsequently, the Hydrographic Confederation of the Segura forwarded for adoption at the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.

In this review and updating of maps:

  • Have been developed for hazard maps for the new tranches of ARPSI identified the Preliminary Assessment of flood Risk. In particular 5 new sections with a joint length 31,45 km.
  • Have been revised and updated the danger maps the bands ARPSI already identified in the EPRI the first cycle in which it has found it necessary to proceed to its revision and/or updating, in accordance with article 21 of the royal decree no. 903/2010. Treated 23 new sections with a joint length 77,11 km remains a need Not updating the remaining 125 tranches, with a total length of 463,28 km - have not changed.
  • Have been revised and updated flood risk maps of all ARPSI, due to changes in the methodology used in its elaboration of the first cycle, primarily related to the method of calculation of the population affected by flooding and to identify points of interest to Civil protection.

To that effect, set out in this website the documentation of the review and updating of the danger maps and flood risk for the second planning cycle of the management of flood risk of the Demarcation of the Segura.

The revised and updated mapping for the second reporting cycle for hazard maps and flood risk can be downloaded from the download area..


In connection with the danger maps and risk of flooding caused by sea in coastal waters and transition economies, in accordance with article 10.1 of the royal decree no. 903/2010 of risk assessment and management of flood, is the sustainability of the coast and of the sea of the ministry for the Ecological Transition and the demographic challenge, the competent body for the elaboration of this information.

As long as it does not alter the databases that led to the development of such maps for the implementation of the first cycle of the directive, the maps already posted on the National System for mapping of Flood Areas. Is provided for in a future updating of such databases with the projections of the fifth report of the IPCC (AR5) so as to include basic statistics on the new projections, to improve the quality of data, which will then get results with best performance regionalization of the outcome and focus of the sea level.

This information in the new variables projected level of the sea and waves will be used to, using the methodology iOLE, review the level of flood over 33,000 topo-batimétricos profiles covering all the spanish coast. The comparison between the distribution of the new level of projected flood and historic on each profile will be used to assess the potential impacts of climate change in the incidence of floods in the review and updating of the plans for managing the risk of flooding, in accordance with article 21.4 of the royal decree no. 903/2010.

The mapping of danger maps and flood risk can be downloaded from the download area..


In accordance with articles 8, 9 and 10 of the Royal Decree 903/2010, for each Área Significant potential risk of Flooding (ARPSI) have been developed for hazard maps flooding (calculation of the zone and its fretwork inundable) and flood risk (area inundable of land uses in that area and the main expected damage).

Also in accordance with article 10 of the royal decree the maps of hazards and risk were subjected to public consultation for a period of three months, and were informed favourably by the committee of competent authorities of the demarcation of the Safe. Subsequently to be submitted to the ministry of Agriculture, food and environment for its incorporation into the National System for mapping of Flood areas. Also referred to the european commission a summary of the main conditions.

For public knowledge, set out in this website final documentation:

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