encodedName: Map-web-services-directory HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/cartografia/servicios-web-de-mapas/directorio-de-servicios-web-de-mapas/index.html

WMS and WMTS Map Web Services Directory

The acronym WMS stands for "Web Map Service". It is a standard for publishing cartography on the Internet and its specifications are collected by the international organization OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium). WMS is a service and not a web page, so it must be used from a GIS (Geographic Information System) program or viewer that supports this type of service.< /p>

The acronym WMTS stands for "Web Map Tile Service". In this case, the maps have predetermined scale levels, and thanks to this they are much faster and more efficient for the web. It is necessary to use a GIS capable of understanding this system, a standard since 2010.

The mapping layers offered in the WMS and WMTS standards can be used in several ways. shapes. If you have a specific computer program (GIS), available with both free and commercial license, you can get the most out of these services. They can also be used on other web browser-based systems. The addresses of the web services (see table) are used in the GIS to obtain the layers in image format; These can be superimposed depending on the needs of use. For information on GIS programs you can consult an updated list on Wikipedia.

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Certificación ISO 27001