encodedName: Important-actions HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/restauracion-de-rios/federsegura/actuaciones-destacadas/index.html

Important actions

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The Segura River Hydrographic Confederation has managed ERDF resources within regional programmes: Murcia, the Community of Valencia, Andalusia and Castile La Mancha in the first period 2000-2006, and Murcia, Andalusia and Castile La Mancha in the current 2007-2013 period, all within the Segura Basin.

In line with national and regional European strategic priorities, the CHSegura has allocated these financial resources to strengthening the environmental potential of the regions included in the scope of intervention of the Segura Basin Cohesion Policy; making regions in its area of intervention more attractive and improving our natural environments and the quality of life of their inhabitants.

Vicorto lagoon (Elche de la Sierra)

The Segura River Hydrographic Confederation has programmed 128 actions (62 of which come under the European Regional Development Fund 2000-2006 and another 66 of which correspond to the 2007-2013 period).

The main lines of action include:

  • ERDF PERIOD 2000-2006 (See all the actions)
    • Protection and regeneration of the natural environment
    • Risk prevention:

The priority of the European Union's "ENVIRONMENT, NATURAL SURROUNDINGS AND WATER RESOURCES" environmental policy is considered a basic pillar of the strategy to transform Spain into a more attractive place to invest and work. This Area of intervention directly supports achievement its aim to protect, prevent and regenerate natural and rural areas and their sustainable use, improving the efficiency of existing water infrastructures and integral waste management. The purpose of this is to encourage sustainable development, social wellbeing and quality of life, through different actions.

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