encodedName: National-River-Restoration-Strategy HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/restauracion-de-rios/estrategianacional/index.html

Segura Hydrographic Demarcation Projects

National River Restoration Strategy

The Ministry of Agriculture, Feed and Environment is carrying out a series of actions framed within what is known as the National River Restoration Strategy, which aims to recover and maintain the ecological health of our rivers and watercourses in general, fostering their cultural heritage and showcasing their attributes and benefits.

This strategy is developed in consonance with the requirements established by the Water Framework Directive, approved in December 2000, and which is mandatory for Spain, whose final objective is that rivers and streams recover their “ecological health”.

National River Restoration Strategy Objectives

The work to be undertaken within the Strategy framework aims to achieve the following general objectives:

  • To recover the watercourse's dynamic processes and return them as close as possible to their natural or reference state.
  • To enable the river to increase its possibilities to adapt to natural disturbances.
  • To foster the creation of a sustainable river ecosystem, compatible with territorial usage and better use of the river resources.
  • Comply with the provisions of the Water Framework Directive.

In order to achieve these objective, the National River Restoration Strategy has a series of actions in place: Training and Education, Volunteer program, Protection and conservation, Administrative coordination and public participation, Restoration and Rehabilitation. As such, actions in the basin, rehabilitation in urban sections and restoration in non-urban sections fall within the area of “Restoration and rehabilitation”.

Development of the National River Restoration Strategy in the Segura demarcation

The Segura Hydrographic Confederation Water Commissioner is responsible for implementing the National Strategy in the Segura Demarcation, for which it plans to create river restoration and improvement projects.

Restoration projects are implemented through the following work phases:

Valoración del estado ambiental Flecha Exposición de la Imagen de Referencia Flecha Participación Pública Flecha Determinación de la Imagen Objetivo Flecha Redacción del Proyecto de Restauración

Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001